
Long Term Condition (LTC) Service

This service is designed for people with long-term illnesses who may need support with their medicines. An assessment is used to identify the things that affect their ability to take medication as prescribed. Pharmacists work together with the patient to address each issue. The pharmacist is able to assist you with managing your medications and can coordinate your medications so that your prescription repeats happen all at the same time and therefore require only one trip to have your prescriptions refilled. They can also provide you with a reminder service (via text message, email or phone call) to let you know when your next supply of medications is ready for collection. If you are having difficulties managing your medicines (e.g. forgetting to take them), please ask your pharmacist whether this service is right for you.

Blister pack
This pharmacy can provide you with individually made blister packs of your medicines. These can be supplied weekly, fortnightly, or monthly depending on your needs. This type of packaging can help you to take your medicine at the right time. It can also make it easier to see if you have missed a dose or are running out. Blistering is useful if you are travelling as it avoids having to take multiple containers. Liquids are not able to be blister packed.